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Time to buy a lottery ticket

I’m not saying this week’s block will win you big money, but it is called Good Luck Token, so you never know!!

I found this block to be very interesting to piece together. It took me some time to properly pattern it in the easiest way possible, without much waste. I love problem solving like that. I enjoy those “lightbulb” moments when everything falls into place. Creating the pattern for this block was one of those moments.

There is a new method in this block that we haven’t used before in the Quilt Concert Series. You will be using a template included in the pattern to create the individual triangles.

Block Tip!

Before you trace and cut out the triangles of this block, use Best Press or another spray starch on it. This helps prevent the bias edge from stretching and making the block wonky!!!

Good Luck Token can now be purchased for $2 at Shoppe Lovingly Lissa

Do you need to catch up with previous week blocks? The cutting directions and all even numbered blocks can be found at The Not So Dramatic Life Etsy Shop and all odd number blocks can be found at Shoppe Lovingly Lissa Etsy Shop.

Sponsors and Giveaways!!

Week 8 brings us two wonderful Sponsors! Quilt Beginnings and Oliven.

Quilt Beginnings is a local to me quilt shop where I’ve been taking lessons and shopping for years! They proudly offer the finest fabrics, a wide assortment of notions, and the top three sewing machine brands in the industry: Pfaff, Babylock and Bernina. One lucky U.S. Resident will receive a $20 gift card to the shop.

Oliven is a  small fabric shop in Monk’s Eleigh in Suffolk, England and would like to share with you their creative journey! One International Concert Goer (non-US resident) will be able to choose one online, on demand class from the Oliven shop.

To enter this week’s Giveaway you must do the following!!

1-post a photo of Good Luck Token on Instagram using a public Instagram account by 11:59pm Eastern on Thursday, August 5, 2021 (if you don’t want to make your primary account public, you can always create a second, public account to use for this quilt along and other projects like this)

2-follow @cassandrabeaver@lovinglylissa, @quiltbeginnings and @vendulkaoliven

3- include the hashtags #quiltconcert2021 and #quiltconcertblock7

4- Write in your post the country you live in. <<<<—–This is being missed by many!

This week’s prize from Quilt Beginnings is available to participants who reside in the United States. The prize from Oliven is available to all International participants.

Winners will be selected by random drawing and will be contacted via Instagram direct message by Saturday, 7th, 2021. The winner must claim their prize by responding to the message with their mailing address by 11:59pm on Monday, August 9, 2021. If the prize is not claimed at that time, we will select an alternate winner.

Please be aware that there are now scammers on Instagram who pose as accounts with giveaways.  No one involved in this giveaway will ever ask for anything other than a mailing address.

(This giveaway is not sponsored, endorsed, administered by, or associated with Instagram.)

Quilt Postcard Swap

I told you this swap would be a fast one! Please get those beauties in the mail by tomorrow, July 31st!! I am working on the next swap and plan to announce it sometime in August! Newsletter Subscribers get early access to the sign-up for all my swaps.

Lovingly, Lissa

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