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Take a bow!

And so we come to the Grand Finale of Quilt concert 2023.

If you’re like me, this is now the hardest part of quilting. How do I quilt this?? I never know the answer until I actually do it.

And, honestly, I’ve pulled out quilting and started all over again.


My favorite solution to this problem is to take a photo of my quilt and print it up. Then I take some colored pencils and start drawing.

Print up a few copies, in black and white. Grab a ruler or any small stencils and spend some time just drawing.

I find it really fun and relaxing, and while I may not finalize the design I do get a pretty good idea of where I want to go.

And Now For Something New and Really Important

We are changing it up for the grand prize raffle. So be sure to read through everything here in order to enter!

The Grand Prizes!

Thanks to our wonderful sponsors, we are able to offer three grand prizes: an international prize, a US/Canada prize, and a US only prize.

International Grand Prize

US/Canada Grand Prize

US Grand Prize

How to Win a Grand Prize

What and How to Link-Up

The winners of the grand prizes will be selected from images submitted to the link up below. You can link an Instagram/Blog post or submit a stand-alone image.

Deadline to Link Up

You have until Midnight Pacific on Monday, August 28, 2023 to add your post/image to the link up.

How the Winners are Selected

Three winners will be selected at random from the submitted quilt tops. Those winners will be placed with the appropriate prize based on their location. In the event that none of the three initial winners is a US resident (or a US/Canadian resident), the first name drawn will receive the International prize and the remaining prize(s) will be re-drawn.
Winners will be notified no later than September 1, 2023. Winners will have 48 hours following notification to acknowledge acceptance of their prize and provide a shipping address. If this acknowledgment does not happen within that timeframe, a new winner will be selected.

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