I have always been a lone quilter. I’ve attended classes, but by and large I am self taught. I get lonely at times.
Recently I attended my first one of these!

I walked in and immediately felt at home. The quilts were so beautiful! It was hard to get pictures but here are some of my favorites.
Look at these gorgeous scrappy quilts.

This scrappy one is my favorite!

But I don’t think any of them can beat this mini (yes mini) log cabin scrappy. The note card read there are 628 pieces of fabric in this mini quilt.

There were beautiful floating blocks.

A few t-shirt quilts that I spent time admiring.
A few more mini quilts..I have a special place in my heart for mini quilts.
My absolute favorite is the next one. It is amazing. The artist created it for a show that was themed Fantasy Sports. The Red Dragon is The Ohio State University and the Blue Dragon is Michigan. They are holding their school signs with their tails.

Here is a close up of just the dragons.

I can’t get over all the details! I’m just in love.
Of course I spent some time shopping, too! There were a few vendors and a garage sale from the members of the quilting society running the show.
I purchased an interesting looking tool and beautiful buttons (I see more pincushions in my future)
I am always on the look out to build my stash. I’m very low on purples and oranges. I found a great little bundle of purples and was just delighted when I got home and opened one up to find this stunning peacock.

I immediately started making plans for her.
Before I left I did one last thing. I joined the quilting society running the show. My first meeting with them is in a few weeks and I am looking forward to it. I can’t wait to see and learn and explore with all these fine quilters.